AAVWS Part One – How the show works

I was honoured to be named the 2016 Australian Alternative Varieties Wine Show Fellow, given an in-depth behind-the-scenes look at the show and the events run around it. Heading up several days early and offering to steward a few days, I took the opportunity to learn more about the show, and how it improves the quality of Australian wine made from emerging grape varieties. Here is the first video in a short series on the show, outlining how the show is run. Please let me know if you have any questions, feel free to make comments below!


November 20, 2016 · 5:09 pm

2 responses to “AAVWS Part One – How the show works

  1. Diana Vivian

    For a lay person it was very interesting to see how a wine show is put together.

    Liked by 1 person

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